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Summerhill Primary Academy


At Summerhill Primary Academy safeguarding and pupil well-being is of paramount importance and to that end we will always put the physical and mental well-being of pupils first.  This sometimes requires us to share information with other agencies such as the police and children’s services.  We understand that in order for children to achieve their best there needs to be a positive relationship between home and school. Our partnership with parents is extremely important to us.


As a school we work closely with Sandwell Children’s Safeguarding Partnership to ensure our practice and policies reflect current legislation and guidance.  We invest in high quality training to ensure our staff can recognise the signs of a child whose well-being is being compromised by physical or emotional abuse/neglect.  Staff are also trained in how to manage disclosures from young people and they also receive regular safeguarding updates.


We are committed to safeguarding and working together to ensure our pupils thrive in a safe and supportive environment whatever their age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual identity or gender.


Anyone visiting the school shares the responsibility to keep children safe whilst on our premises and will be required to work within the guidelines of our safeguarding procedures.  Parental permission is also obtained to publish photographs on the school's social media, external literature or website.


Our staff work as a team to nurture our pupils and prepare them for the future.  We aim to provide a happy, secure environment in which children will develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.  Meeting the needs of our children is our priority and we consider it a privilege for us to be part of each child’s learning journey.


Operation Encompass

As a Sandwell School we are part of Operation Encompass which is a Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership that supports children and young people exposed to Domestic Abuse.  It aims to ensure Schools are notified in a timely manner of any Domestic Abuse incident where children are present or registered at the address.  An information pack can be found at the bottom of this section.


If you or anyone you know is affected by domestic abuse you can seek help through the school or through Sandwell Women’s aid who can be reached on 0121 552 6448.


In every force, in every school, for every child.



Technology and the internet can be fantastic – they can help our children to learn, to create amazing things, to communicate and to entertain themselves and each other. Our children are surrounded by this technology – it is part and parcel of their daily lives.   


Using technology and the internet well is about using it safely and responsibly.  Things can go wrong by accident or if behaviour is not sensible or respectful.  Our job is not to stop our young people from using technology but to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully navigate themselves through the online world, so they become good digital citizens. 


Please review the linked documents at the bottom of the page and the below weblinks for guidance and support around online safety and how you can further protect yourself and your children.

Online Safety sites for EAL (English as an additional language):

Leaflets available in a range of other languages here

  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • English
  • Farsi
  • French
  • Hindi
  • Polish
  • Punjabi
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese
  • Welsh

Policies & Guidance

To view our latest eSafety Policy and other related guidance documents in PDF format please select from the files below: