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Summerhill Primary Academy
Summerhill Primary Academy’s curriculum provides pupils with appropriate experiences to develop as confident, responsible citizens who think for themselves. Furthermore, our intent is to provide a rich cultural capital that is tailored to our pupils. We aim to provide all pupils with the opportunity to love, learn and live as global citizens in an ever-changing world.
Summerhill Primary Academy’s extended curriculum is developed further by using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the drivers to ensure that pupils know and understand how they can be proactive global citizens and develop as responsible, respectful and tolerant individuals.
We know there will be many challenges ahead for our pupils. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time which impacts on all living things. We need to act now and provide our pupils with the tools to do so. As a Multi-Academy Trust, we are committed to working together to educate our pupils about the importance of achieving sustainability.
This intent document outlines the principles of how we have designed the curriculum for our pupils, how these principles underpin how we have selected the content we want them to learn and how we have deployed our staffing and resources to ensure that our pupils get the best teaching we can give them.
Each subject within the curriculum has a further subject-specific intent which demonstrates how we have selected what we want pupils to learn in each subject and how we have chosen the order in which to teach this so that the children make progress in their learning.
At Summerhill Primary Academy, our overall curriculum design is underpinned by our school vision for what the pupils in our local community need to thrive and become confident and independent learners.
Our curriculum enables our children to maximise their potential and realise their ambition beyond that specified in the National Curriculum. The planning of our curriculum is built around developing the skills and knowledge our children need for their future lives as architects, engineers, designers, artists and teachers of the future.