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Summerhill Primary Academy


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Welcome to our information page on Coronavirus (COVID-19) designed to keep parents, pupils and the wider Summerhill community up to date with our position on Coronavirus.  Along with keeping parents informed via school communications, we will ensure that this page is always up to date with the latest news, announcements and any updates to trips and events.


We should like to reassure you that we are monitoring the situation very carefully and that the health and welfare of all members of our school community remain our priority. Whilst we do not believe that our pupils and staff are at any greater risk of infection here at Summerhill than they are in any public place, in line with advice and instruction from Public Health England, we are providing briefings (using the information below) to all pupils and staff and we are asking them to adhere to the advice we give as well as the advice from Public Health England should they or any of their family have traveled to an area of heightened risk of infection.


We are actively reviewing all school events including fixtures, trips and meetings and we will make in any decisions based on advice from Public Health England and the Department of Education.


What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new highly infectious disease which is causing a serious threat to public health around the world. The national and international situation is changing rapidly, and so guidance about how to manage the risks associated with Coronavirus is also subject to change.


Available Advice:

It also has a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the below helpline:


Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)


Safeguarding Support during COVID-19

During this challenging period it is important for pupils and their parents/carers to access help whilst their child is away from school.  These are some agencies that may be able to help:


Tipton Early Help:   0121 569 7291


Tipton Children's Centre (Ridgeway Road, Tipton):  0121 522 5150


Shout:  Text Shout to 85258 - crisis volunteers providing 24/7 guidance and support if you are worried, anxious or stressed.


Childline: 1111 - free confidential service to help young people under 19 with any issue they have.


NSPCC: 0800 802 5000 - free service open 24 hours a day.


Young Minds: 0808 802 5544 - information for children and young people about mental health and emotional well being.

Online Support:

Beam is a service in Sandwell that supports children's emotional well being.  Email:


Sandwell Family Information Service also have a useful information Facebook page, which provides some fun and educational resources for different age ranges and topics: